Nasa-Forscher entdecken Irrtum

Sechs Jahre lang hielt es die Nasa für bewiesen, dass es Wasser auf dem Mars gibt. Nun müssen sie ihre Aussage jedoch berichtigen. Denn auf dem Planeten fließt Sand, statt Wasser.

Kein Planet fasziniert die Menschheit so wie der Mars. Darum wird er ausgiebig erforscht, besonders durch die Amerikaner. Deren Weltraumbehörde NASA hielt es sechs Jahre lang für bewiesen, dass es auf dem roten Planeten flüssiges Wasser gibt. Jetzt muss sie sich berichtigen. Wieso das so ist, erklären wir im Video.


We’re closing out our #BlackHoleFriday with a black hole that’s close to home, on a cosmic scale. At the center of our own Milky Way galaxy lies a supermassive black hole named Sagittarius A*. Located about 26,000 light years from Earth, this black hole contains around 4.5 million times the mass of our Sun! Once a controversial claim, this astounding conclusion is now virtually inescapable and based on observations of stars orbiting very near the galactic center. Astronomers patiently followed the orbit of a particular star. Their results showed that the star was moving under the influence of the enormous gravity of an unseen object which must be extremely compact, and contain huge amounts of matter – a supermassive black hole. This Chandra X-ray telescope image shows the X-ray light from a region of space a few light years across. The black hole is invisible, but is near the center of this image. The gas near the center produces X-ray light as it is heated. Many of the ‘stars’ in the field probably have much smaller black holes near them that are producing the X-ray light from the gas they are consuming. Thanks for joining us for our 5th annual #BlackHoleFriday! Credit: NASA/CXC/MIT/Frederick K. Baganoff et al. #nasa #space #blackhole #chandra #galaxy #milkyway #sagittariusa #lightyears #observations #telescope #xray #blackfriday

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It’s #BlackFriday, but we don’t do much shopping in space. Instead, join us for our 5th annual #BlackHoleFriday where we’ll share awesome images and facts about black holes! A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. Black holes are formed when giant stars explode at the end of their lifecycle. If the star has enough mass, it will collapse on itself down to a very small size. Because no light can get out, people cannot see black holes…they’re invisible! Space telescopes with special tools can help find black holes by seeing how stars that are very close to them act differently than other stars. Credit: NASA #nasa #space #blackfriday #blackholefriday #friday #blackhole #blackholes #light #star #explosion #mass #annual #facts

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Hot…hotter…hottest! This sequence of images shows the Sun from its surface – 6,000°C – to its upper atmosphere – 10,000,000°C –all taken at about the same time on Oct. 27. Yes, the Sun’s outer atmosphere is much, much hotter than the surface. Scientists are getting closer to solving the processes that generate this phenomenon. The first image shows the surface of the Sun in filtered white light; the other seven images were taken in different wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet light. Swipe to see them all! Note that each wavelength reveals somewhat different features. They are shown in order of temperature from the first one at the surface, out to the upper atmosphere. Credit: NASA #nasa #space #sun #solar #hot #hotter #hottest #observatory #solarsystem #heliophysics #picoftheday #surface #upperatmosphere #atmosphere #degrees

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